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Messages - margadon

Software / Re: XML modification
14. Mar 2008, 23:18
Hi, Mike!

JTAG connector is the easiest part  but activate it (if You have to solder directly to CPU) is quite difficult.
BUT! possible!!!

Good LUCK!
Software / Re: XML modification
14. Mar 2008, 23:09

I've tried already to do what you say. I see the disk but it says that it is not formatted.

Anyway thank You.

Software / Re: XML modification
14. Mar 2008, 11:13
Hello, robert_s
You say:

"To remove the signature and hash checks from BooterCE.exe, you have to replace it (in NK.BIN) with the version provided in the Wiki. But NK.BIN is protected by BOOT.SIG, which is checked by the boot loader in the flash ROM - so you have to remove the signature checks from the boot loader, which is only possible via JTAG.

Unfortunately, it has now turned out that the JTAG connector has been disabled on all boxes but rather old ones (maybe from early 2006). So even the JTAG patch is only available on a few older boxes..."

That's not a problem (I mean enabling JTAG). I've got a x300t made in june of 2007 (rev 0L, version 1051) which came with JTAG disabled.
As You know in WIKI there is an article with SMP layout. I've enabled JTAG using a normal soldering iron making a connection directly to CPU.
It's not that difficult like it seems. (Thanks to mce2222 for his help)

I would like to show a couple of letters:

1. I've sent to mce2222:

"The device revision is 0L, Bootloader Version 1051.
I made a connection directly to CPU and I've got JTAG enabled. I can patch, upload yamon, download dump using x300tdump. But the device is still without working. I've tried to use dumprom.exe to extract NK.BIN but the command syntaxis is not very clear. I couldn't find anything about it in WIKI but only the following: will need the nkbin tool available here
2.grab the NK.BIN from the x300t hard drive    ????????????????????
3.binmod.exe -i nk.bin -r BooterCE.exe (case-sensitive !)
4.put back the NK.BIN

The only thing I want is start DVB-T tuners with a possibility to record some stuff from air.

Is what I want a realistic?"

2. And a mce2222's answer:

"without a working T-Home subscription it is not possible at the moment.
to get DVB-T working, it is a requirement to have a fully working box ...

otherwise the software would have to be patched... that is possible but has not been done yet.

I mean there are a lot of material in a WIKI: you can do this and you can do that.
But the result is "otherwise the software would have to be patched... that is possible but has not been done yet"!!!!! Or maybe I'm wrong???????
Can somebody answer this question.
And I'll be the first to make a step-by-step manual.


P.S. It's not a clear for me how I can grab the NK.BIN from the x300t hard drive and upoad it back to device