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Messages - redband

Then I for sure will be dumping the 2 silver boxes.
Not going to bother with the other Black BT boxes, looks like the same pain.
The rapsberry Pi is looking like it will be an interesting project instead....
I heard there were still lots of Silver boxes in use with BT.  From what I remember... and it's been a while, even the silver boxes can start from an empty disk and receive partitioning config and full OS over the air.  The suggestion was that they were going to push this out quickly so I wouldn't be suprised if they went for quick and dirty linux to work with the old bootloader on current boxes then roll out linux proper with their 3rd Gen...  We'll see...
I just dropped by to see if there was any point keeping 2 old silver btv boxes when I saw this...  I guess I might have to postpone the clearout and see his this develops...  wouldn't be surprised if the rollout if Linux was only to the newer Gen boxes tho...
Do you have a non-destructive method for removing the resin?  or just a spare box? :-)

What is the PKG.DIR URL for the black box firmware?  I heard they are updating it at the moment, latest will be 1.6.3063.2844

"net init" does not work in yamon after the iptv bootloader started... not sure why that is, but I think yamon does not correctly reset the ethernet port during startup.

So does that mean tweaking the the modchip timing, or do I have to do something with yamon?  Could it be a mismatch between the yamon on the device and the yamon loader?  how do I find out the true yamon version?  I have a feeling that the label "Revision 02.06-SIGMADESIGNS-01-" relates to the ya.bin I used from this site.

the pflash timeout is very strange. have not seen that before.
maybe the flash is write protected ?

The environment seems a bit light on parameters too only the xos keys (in the output below you can see the a. key that I set, but this isn't written properly to pflash).  In other examples I found there were a lot more variables set...

YAMON> setenv

fpu (R/W)

YAMON> setxenv
(0x00)    4 x.boot 0x00008000
(0x00)    4 x.ds 0x00010040
(0x00)    4 x.d0.cfg 0xe34111ba
(0x00)    4 x.d1.cfg 0xe34111ba
(0x00)    4 x.dt 0x00000001
(0x00)    4 x.csf 0x00000002
(0x00)    4 x.l2rzc 0x0000000c
(0x00)    4 x.l2xz 0x00000015
(0x00)   30 a.linux_cmd "console=ttyS0 root=/dev/hda3"
9 records, 172 bytes

YAMON> pflash probe
CPU_remap4 map to 0x48000000
Parallel Flash address: 0x48000000, bus width: 16
  ID : AMD/Fujitsu Standard
  Size : 16384 KB (0x1000000)
  Buffer Size : 5
  Regions : 1
        0 : 0x0 - 0x20000 * 0x80

Hi Mick,

Thanks for the quick answer on that one.  The linux/yamon switching should be too much of a problem as I would need to do it too often....

Flashing the the setxenv parameters may be more of a problem tho.

Also found a problem when trying to initialise network.

YAMON> net init
Ethernet driver for EM86XX (v1.0)
(MAC 00:11:de:ad:be:ef, tx_desc/rx_desc = 16/32)
em86xx_eth: bogus mac address detected.
em86xx_eth ethernet start
re-configuring ..
em86xx_eth: bogus mac address detected.
em86xx_eth ethernet start
no link, please check cable
NET_DHCP_open failed.
NET_init() fail.
Error : Internal, code = fffffffb

I'm starting to wonder if something else wasn't completed by the modchip...
Making a start on Linux on the old btv box (silver)  but hit a couple of problems....

First problem, can't get the modchip to react to the GND'd pins so only way to boot yamon or linux kernel by renaming them to nk.bin

Next prob, trying to set the parameters in yamon seems to fail.

YAMON> setxenv a.linux_cmd "console=ttyS0 root=/dev/hda3"
Original value: "console=ttyS0 root=/dev/hda3", New value: "console=ttyS0 root=/
Updating XENV block at 0x48000000********************************pflash write/er
ase timeout fails.

XENV verification OK.

setxenv by itself shows the value set, but it does persist after a reboot, which I gues is the whole idea of setting this.

Any ideas?




I removed the above lines completely from boot.hv and default.hv, dropped in the bits to enable SmartCard and it booted.  "Viewing Card Recognised"   ;D

I had tried just removing the values but the resulting default.hv wouldn't fit back in the nk.bin and modifying boot.hv in this way didn't seem to be enough anyway...

Was given a working Setanta/ESPN card so thought I'd give it a go by grabbing the Viewing Card Enabled firmware.  On startup, BT recognises that my account doesn't have a viewing card and forces a firmware "update" for the not setanta version.  Tried to spoof the contentversion so that it wouldn't force the upgrade and it seemed to be working as was almost completely started up when it decided to do some content checks and rebooted into NR01

This is where I suspected that the signature checking had moved until later in the process and some research found the following


The program for editing the registry must not be working properly..
I manually hex edited the hv's and replaced the ref's to the sigcheckfilter.dll with 0x00, binmodded the nk.bin, and..... the box booted with no file checking  ;D

I was able to verify this by modding the splash logo.


I found a working tool for handling the hv files but was wondering what you changed?  Did you blank out the entire registry keys or just the value?


I tried using an older firmware with the smartcard activated, but amongst the 12 less channels that the channels scan finds on the older firmware is the one that the smartcard actually unlocks...
WinCE / Re: Playing video (reliably)
27. Oct 2009, 19:10
You probably tried this too but I think a file url needs an extra "/"
something like "file:///Hard Disk 2/EK06981.asf"

The tuner drivers are available.. I did a search on the number of the tuner chip + linux and it turns up some C code :)


Which Tuner chip does the btv box use? (can't see mine from here :-))  Is it the same as x300t? should be a good starting point... 

If that's what you guys are after perhaps someone could draw up a good diagram showing the whole DRM process on the box (I'd be willing if someone could explain the process to me.) This would help everyone get on the same page and we can figure out points of attack.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding here, but with the BT box, the majority of TV is freeview, unencrypted and without any form of DRM,  BT is adding a handful of iptv "channels", but to access this the client needs to have authenticated and established subscription rights to the iptv content in the same way the on demand stuff works. 
The BT box does use some kind of proprietary storage system when tv is recorded, but it doesn't have to be done that way...

So what content are you hoping to access?
iptv (eg the Honda channel)
OnDemand (cut down subscription only version of iplayer + movies)

I'm only interested in Freeview plus any of the freely available video/audio/tv/radio from whichever internet or local storage/DNLA source I choose. eg get_iplayer, youtube, tversity, internet radio, etc, etc

Hardware / BTV / Modchip / Linux boot
16. May 2009, 16:55
Just a couple of question for anybody who has had a go with linux on BTV box...

Which pins need to be jumpered with GND to boot with Yamon/linux?
The readme with the modchip source suggests PD6 or PD7, while the modchip pinout diagram I used shows a jumper across GND and PB1 or PB2.
So which is it, I'm guessing I should go with what the readme suggests...

Anybody had success with BTV and booting linux?
is0-Mick, you suggested this didn't seem to work on btv do you happen to recall which pins were you jumpering to test at the time?



Software / Re: BT Remove Connection Fee
16. May 2009, 13:02
You don't need a sub to use the freeview side, but you need a btbb account to get a "NEVIS" account, which is their server that manages accounts, boxes and entitlements.  I've never paid BT a bean towards BTVision..  I even managed to get them to wave the £30 activation :-)
I don't think the auth/entitlements (nevis) server is even accessible from outside the BT network, another reason it doesn't work w/o a BTBB line...

At the moment at least, your only hope is a bit of "micro" soldering :-)