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"net init" does not work in yamon after the iptv bootloader started... not sure why that is, but I think yamon does not correctly reset the ethernet port during startup.
the pflash timeout is very strange. have not seen that before.
maybe the flash is write protected ?
The program for editing the registry must not be working properly..
I manually hex edited the hv's and replaced the ref's to the sigcheckfilter.dll with 0x00, binmodded the nk.bin, and..... the box booted with no file checking
I was able to verify this by modding the splash logo.
The tuner drivers are available.. I did a search on the number of the tuner chip + linux and it turns up some C code
If that's what you guys are after perhaps someone could draw up a good diagram showing the whole DRM process on the box (I'd be willing if someone could explain the process to me.) This would help everyone get on the same page and we can figure out points of attack.