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WinCE / Re: tv2remotekeys ?
Last post by VisionUser - 12. Sep 2013, 16:00
Do you need a chipped box for this to work?

I tried connecting with Telnet to [boxip]:8082 on my unmodified BT Vision box but it said "unable to connect to remote host: connection refused"

Port 8080 seems to be the only open port on my BT vision box, but it does not respond or reply with anything at all, not even a "hello". Accessing [boxip]:8080/key=[number] in a browser just gives a blank page.
Software / BT Vision Box Hidden Menus
Last post by VisionUser - 10. Sep 2013, 17:55
I switched on my Philips DIT9719 BT Vision box the other day and the menu had changed - to a secret hidden menu. The Recordings menu had dissappeared, but new menu items had come up such as:

- Demo
- Extras
- XHTML Test
- CSS Acid Test
- Ajax test
- Mr Youtube
- Static Weather
- Photos and Music
- Videos
- Static Media
- Launch Application
- MediaStream PiP test
- Mediaroom services
- Client AV Storefront
- WMS Seamonkey test
- Personal media settings
- Enable playback from home network

There was an option for browsing photos and videos on the local network, it said a PC with Windows Media Player 11 was required.

There was no TV Channels, just a black screen. Pressing the "i" info button on the remote control caused the box to reboot and it rebooted back to the normal menu. I can't get back into this hidden menu. :(

I don't know why this hidden menu came up. Was it just a bug in the BT Vision box, or is there a secret key combination you can type into the remote control to bring it up? Or do you have to press certain buttons on the box whilst turning it on? I have read in another thread of secret key codes that bring up diagnostic text, but what is the way to bring back this secret menu? I need to get back into this secret menu!!! Has anyone else accessed this secret menu?

The Ajax test is interesting, Windows CE v5 apparently has a JPG/Gif exploit for it. If you could use the Ajax test to load a specially crafted JPG/Gif, then you could load custom code onto the BT Vision box without the need for any soldering! :D

Screenshots of the hidden menus are attatched
Software / Media Receiver 303 Typ B und U...
Last post by narc2010 - 09. Sep 2013, 00:07

ich suche nach einer Bootbaren Möglichkeit, wie man über den Entertain Receiver 303 Typ
B einen USB Stick so bootbar macht, das man darüber ein Betriebsystem zum funktionieren bringt.

Wäre dies z.B. so machbar, das dann Linux Suse 10 oder Knoppix dann klappt?

Weil ich würde gerne einen Internet Browser somit nutzen.
Denn soweit ich denke ist auch ein guter Prozessor in der Box vorhanden, was dies zulassen würde.
Auch YouTube würde dann klappen.

Software / Re: NK.BIN patching
Last post by Praet0ri4n - 31. Aug 2013, 23:35
Hi, unfortunately the same here  :( does anybody have a hint? I am working on a x301t. Is the BooterCE.exe not in the NK.BIN anymore?
Software / Re: BTvision black box BT's na...
Last post by steve3123 - 19. Aug 2013, 15:52
No. Its running another version of firmware, but its still giving me a c01 error.
According to the BT vision forums, BT are updating batches of boxes at any one time, however they expect it to be completed sometime around NOV/DEC 2013.
But people are saying that boxes that have been disconnected for whatever reason will NOT get the update unless you have an active BTBB connection as well as a live BTVision account.  >:( >:( >:(
Hardware / Re: Was geht alles so mit dem ...
Last post by Ninja2000 - 07. Aug 2013, 22:16
Ich habe diesen über 3 1/2 alten Thread gefunden und in denn wird was erwähnt was mich schon eine ganze Weile beschäftigt. Damit meine ich denn Jugendschutz denn ich gerne komplett abschalten will. Vor kurzen habe ich das Film Paket von der Telekom hinzu gebucht. Das nervige ist das ich bei Serien/ Filme FSK 16/18 immer denn Benutzer Pin eingeben muss. Kommen z.B. 9 Folgen FSK 16/18 muss ich auch 9 mal diesen Pin eingeben. Von der Telekom habe ich ein Receiver gemietet und ich habe noch ein älters Model hier stehen was mein Eigentum ist. (Media Receiver 300 Typ A) Denn letzten genannten Receiver würde ich gerne modifizieren damit die Benutzer Pin Abfrage oder gleich der ganze Jugendschutz abgeschaltet wird. Wie genau kriege ich denn Jugendschutz abgeschaltet?

Others / Re: Updated hard drive to 320g...
Last post by is0-mick - 01. Aug 2013, 23:09
Just tried updating mine again and it still is on the winCE :(
I also noticed on your screenshot, that your box is ALSO on the winCE version as well!

Part of the capture (where it gets its firmware)..

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 24960251
Content-Type: DAT
Content-Location: http://sg05clgv.nevis.btopenworld.com/ClientUpgrades/005/Pace_DiT7431_05_1/Application_DRA.dat
Last-Modified: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 13:48:14 GMT
Accept-Ranges: bytes
ETag: "0e310dc9db9cc1:93e"
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 21:53:57 GMT

Package Type:..OperatingSystem
Package Version:.2.1.2295.2110
Package Flavor:..BT_PROD_G2_2.1.2295.2110
Packaged On:..13/12/2011 13:48:11

Others / Re: Updated hard drive to 320g...
Last post by is0-mick - 01. Aug 2013, 22:33
Hmm Interesting..
Any URL's in the pcap file? is there a way to do a forced update again, and see what url's it gets its software from?

Others / Re: Updated hard drive to 320g...
Last post by dittypace - 27. Jul 2013, 15:46
Hi Guys,

Picked up a cheap BT vision box with a 160gb pipeline hdd from the booty merely for using the hard drive though for some reason I backed up the winCE files to an external drive.

Today after messing with a YouView box (Huawei) I went back to fiddling with the bt vision, plonked a 320gb hard drive (have since used the 160gb) and created a fat32 partition with the files copied into this.

After trying the upgrade process (hold down and ok whilst powering on) I have upgraded to the linux version (captured a pcap file via dspolit on my rooted phone but dont think its got the right info after doing ip lookup).

I'm going to try and find someone with a BT vision sub and activate the box then see if I can use the on demand players on my own provider (plusnet which is still bt?).

Also not sure why but the 320gb has been filled with slc files (maybe empty containers for saved recordings?)

I also looked into the DM500HD firmware but not sure if this would work as a DVB-T box as the DM500HD only supports DVB-T via USB i think from what I read???

Will play with box again next week and post my findings.
Software / Re: X300t als Netzwerkfestplat...
Last post by CamKrist - 17. Jul 2013, 12:07
Similar matter has already been discussed at yahoo answers. I can post the link if needed
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