Display - Content of ATmega88

Started by pcgeil, 14. Dec 2008, 11:11

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14. Dec 2008, 11:11 Last Edit: 22. Dec 2008, 12:09 by pcgeil

i looked inside the wiki because of the Atmgea88 behind the display.
Pin 2, 3 and 4 on J1 where undescribed, but I found out, that they have to be PB2, PB5 and PB3. I wrote it in the wiki.

In the dump of the bootloader I found messages about atmega88, atmgea168 and atmega44. The only difference between these 3 devices are the available flash memory.
On J1 is the whole ISP programming port. And in the dump of the bootloader near 0xf845 with version 1051, is a signature check string.
There is also something written with device erase and fuses.

I think, that inside the bootloader is a routine which can upgrade the atmega88 with a new firmware.
Or is the firmware saved in the bootloader?

It would be great if we could dump the atmega88, because then, we could use other remote controls as well.
But it think, the atmega88 has the protection fuses set. So no easy dump. :-/

Is it public, how the smp8634 and the atmega88 talk with each other? Is it also encrypted?
The communication protocol should be SPI or something similiar to this.


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