dvi.bin file format:
piodata // for software i2c, skipped because of hw i2c
pioclock // for software i2c, skipped because of hw i2c
(delay_speed >> 16) & 0xffff; // i2c command delay speed
devaddr // i2c device address for chip
module_id // 2 = internal hdmi, else ext.
actual data, format address,data,address,data,....
dvi.bin from conceptronic, popcornhour, istar:
00 //gpio 0 is data, not used
01 //gpio 1 is clock, not used
0000 6400 //and(shr(0x00640000;16);0xffff) = 0x64 = 100
72 // i2c device address
02 //internal hdmi
08 37
0C 89
0F 04
33 30
3E 00