Hi peeps, i decided to see if i could gain BTfirmware, by hooking up my box to a work BTBB connection with a Btvision account active on it. Got the box to boot up great, interrupted the BB connection and box promptly sulked. Now my Brother has BTvision black box, with a working BTvision account and his box will boot WITHOUT a bt BB connection. His box is running very different firmware to ours and it is running linux. Now for the nasty Bit, we called BTvision's ''help'' line to explain that we had bought a box on ebay so he could use it as multiroom, (BT dont support this but lots of people do it) so we gave them the box mac code and everything else the tech asked for so we could download the latest firmware for it. Tried to convince the box on more than one occasion to download the latest firmware, and all it does it reload the windows CE. When explained this to the ''vision tech'' his response was, only boxes linked to the account will get the new firmware which allows the box to boot without the BB connection and allows an epg over the air. When asked why, the response we got was ''We know there are lots of unused vision boxes out there, thus having them still locked to our system will mean people will have to come back to BT to get the box to work''
So it seems that to get the latest firmware that allows the box to boot and run without a BB connection to BT, would be to get a box already ''opened'' on the new firmware. The vision tech did say off the record that eventually all the black BTvision boxes would be unlocked as they are going to be un workable when they start streaming everything over fiber, and totally moving over to youview.