PART Decompression in WIKI

Started by BTVHack, 04. Jan 2008, 15:53

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Have I got this correct?

Download Parts
Check pkg.DIR for 2 at end of row
zlib - decompress files with a 2
bitshift decompressed files
Join files together
Decompress Joined

I have written a vb program to go and download the parts, but would like to try and decompress them
so will probably write a program to do the above, if that is the correct procedure.



After joining the files together, the result is _not_ compressed. It is a container file of a simple structure:

8 Bytes unknown Header (might be a hash)
while not eof()
DWORD Length; // little-endian
char FileName[]; // zero-terminated C-string, may include paths!
unsigned char FileContents[Length];

This will give you several hundred files... Then you can also take the file NK.BIN apart, which breaks up in another over a hundred files.


and also don't forget the XOR after bitshifting ;)



I'm another curious BTV user and have been trying to "zlib - decompress" the PART files but have not found a tool to do this.  I have tried a number of zlib implementations both on linux and windows, but none seem to be able to do anything with these DAT files.  Any ideas or suggestions for a working tool?




I'm another curious BTV user and have been trying to "zlib - decompress" the PART files but have not found a tool to do this.  I have tried a number of zlib implementations both on linux and windows, but none seem to be able to do anything with these DAT files.  Any ideas or suggestions for a working tool?

I'm successfully using this one in Windows XP:


Good find...
I see that it is the lack of headers that cause problems for the other utils I tried...



I ended up trying my hand at java and have managed to extract the files.  robert_s, you suggested that the nk.bin could also be unpacked in the same way.  Does the structure differ to that of the PKG.DIR binary?
I have tried the same unpack code against the NK.BIN but it dumps out.




robert_s, you suggested that the nk.bin could also be unpacked in the same way.  Does the structure differ to that of the PKG.DIR binary?
I have tried the same unpack code against the NK.BIN but it dumps out.

No, NK.BIN uses a totally different format, which I have no clue of. But you can use the toolset found in the WIKI to decompose the NK.BIN file:



Sorry, I guess I should have tried searching before posting the question... just found the post with details on how to use the utils too.


Is there a tool as yet?.... I had started to write a vb version, but time was ticking on other projects
so didn't get further than d/ling the part files and reading the pkg.dir file for 2's

Will continue if need be, but if the jobs been done already..............


Is there a tool as yet?.... I had started to write a vb version, but time was ticking on other projects
so didn't get further than d/ling the part files and reading the pkg.dir file for 2's

Will continue if need be, but if the jobs been done already..............

I've posted some of my scraps of java code...  hope it helps...

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