Unable to patch NK.BIN

Started by toxie87, 13. Jun 2012, 08:08

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13. Jun 2012, 08:08 Last Edit: 13. Jun 2012, 08:12 by toxie87
I am unable to patch the NK.BIN on my x300t. The nkbinpatcher after loading the nk.bin file gives me some error. (some exception or sort of). Tried compatibility mode, nothing helps.
The modchip is working, when i turn it on, first the yellow is on, then all the leds turn on, and after all turn off except green.
The box is searching for server.
Could someone help me about that nk.bin patching ?
I believe that there is some library problem.
The bootloader version is 1051 .

Also is there a need for another TV2ClientCE.exe ?
Forgot to mention that the patcher tool in nkpatcher.rar managed to patch the NK.BIN but still not woking.
I`ve followed the tutorial in pdf.

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