location of tv2client

Started by Herman, 22. May 2008, 16:14

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yes same behavior on the x300t.

I did a registry compare but could not find anything.

you should take a look at the tv2client.exe ... search for the startup of the tasman.exe
that also resides on the hard disk, and it is startable.

so it is not impossible to start binaries from hard disk... maybe a small trick is needed ?


I copied the tasman startup routine from tv2client, and that does not work either...

What is tasman anyway??

Also I tried launching tasman with the webbrowser, and tv2client2 with the web browser both give file not found.

I tried launching the "dummy" tv2client.exe in harddisk\tv2client and it seemed to run the one in \windows.

So it seems like when you try to execute a program it's ignoring the path and substituting it with \windows


tasman.exe is a modified InternetExplorer 5.x  so when a http url is accessed from the tv2client, it will launch the tasman.exe to open the http page.

I also had the feeling that only programms in the windows folder can be started... there must be a reason for that.

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