4 Quick shot questions - Kernel Downgrade & modchip+box behaviour

Started by dfox, 18. Sep 2008, 17:20

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4 Quick shot questions, i've read alot but cant figure out the following ;)

1. Modchip status - When the modchip is in action what should be the display from the leds. Mine currently goes yellow, red finally green (all solid, no flickering) is this correct ?

2. Box Updating - As I understand the chip ignores the failed boot attempts etc, so should not go to n09 does this mean that the box is protected from updating to a newer kernel. Basically how do you insure the box current version of tv2client is protected from it being updated.

3. Box startup - When the box hands over to windows ce as mick states i,e box appears to reset after "please wait", blank screen and flashing green light front of the box. How long should this be for and if it does stay in this state forever why ?

4. Kernel Downgrade - If the box goes in to recovery mode aka n09 then updates to a newer kernel is there away to downgrade to the exploited version. For example I have a backup of the original Nk.bin if this was placed back to the drive would this work & if not is there a solution?

Thanks again all


1. yes. if you look at the readme of the modchip hex it gives you the colour descriptions.
yellow = reset detected
red = something wrong
all 3 means entered debuf of cpu correctly
green = cpu exited and patched ok.

2. By attaching the modchip, you are bypassing the bootloader protections in that it doesnt check sig of nk.bin and its contents, boot attempts and generally allowing ANY code to be ran on the box.  It doesnt change anything on the normal to BT (or your provider) so will try to connect as usual to their servers for updates and general config.  This will only work fully if you have a subscription to work.

3. Normally, the box connects to a server as stated in bootstrap url in tv2config.xml in the /content folder, it cant connect , then crashes then reboots.  Several mods have been done to the app and logs of what its trying to connect to have been made but its a very complex syste,w here the server tells the box pretty much what it can watch and when never mind record it :s

4.  If you get a full recovery mode sequence the hard disk1 partition is formatted , redownloaded and we start from scratch again.  At present, the newest kernel / tv2 has tweaked a few things and stopped us from running our own exe outside of the nk.bin container, therefore the previous version (505 i think) is desirable at present.
If you have a bachup of the contents of hard drive1 then thats all you need as is the 'bootup / application' partition


3. Box startup - When the box hands over to windows ce as mick states i,e box appears to reset after "please wait", blank screen and flashing green light front of the box. How long should this be for and if it does stay in this state forever why ?

It will do this forever if the box has no network lead plugged in (ie Cant get an IP address).


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