From about two weeks I'm owner of Swisscom Bluewin-TV KMM3010-SC-B Set-up box, and I want to make something with it.
In this moment, this box is not very useful, because when I switch power on, only what I get on the screen is a grey gear wheel and something like a progress bar at the bottom, and nothing else.
On the front display while switching on, for a less than second blinks "Starting" message and then only unset clock sign: --:--
I've had an original 160GB HDD from it, but I've gave it to somebody. I've copied all files from it (the file is attached to this post). Now I found 20GB HDD. And my question is: should I make any partitions or the box will make it all?
After few minutes nevermind if it's connected to the internet or not, the screen is showing red x sign, and on VFD display is showing "Connect Fail" message with blinking REC sign. After that in serial console I received "HALTING" message.
Full output from console is:
xosPc0 serial#97d634be075d6ca73075760a104d533b subid 0xc4
xenv cs2 ok
Power supply: OK
DRAM0 OK (8)
DRAM1 OK (9)
zboot ok
Microsoft IPTV Bootloader, Build (1051)
Built by BM-DELL-167, Sep 11 2006 16:54:12
I've build a JTAG, but I'm receiving this:
USAGE: x300tdump
/start:XXXXXXXX .... custom start location (in HEX)
/length:XXXXXXXX ... custom length (in HEX)
/wiggler ........... use wiggler cable
Probing bus ... Done
Instruction Length set to 5
CPU Chip ID: 00000000000000000000000000000000 (00000000)
*** Unknown or NO CPU Chip ID Detected ***
Issuing Processor / Peripheral Reset ... Done
Halting Processor ... <Processor did NOT enter Debug Mode!> ... Done
Clearing Watchdog ...
The JTAG is checked many times, all seems to be good. I don't know why it's not working.
When it's connected to ethernet card, all what tcpdump sniffed is saved in a file in the attachment.
Is there any posibility to make something useful with the box? It have a potential, but I don't have now any ideas how to run it.