Hi, I read elsewhere that some of the 7421 boards don't have a JTAG header, and the box I've bought is one of them! Surely there must be a way to enable just the DVB & PVR functions without a hardware mod, perhaps via some command line switches?
I looked throught the threads on software , plus the wiki and have tried patching the nk.bin using both the nkpatcher & nkbinpatcher, both produce an updated nk.bin but also, both give a different error message.
I also tried the following:
replaced nk.bin with both patchers
used the updated content files
used the BT diag files
altered command line switches
tried to put booterce into nk.bin using binmod, but got 'image not found'
I always seem to get a NR01 error message followed by a progress bar and what must be a reload of the base files from the BT server.
I think there must be a new version of nk.bin in use for both of the patchers to fail and binmod to fail.
Any thoughts?