Removing SigCheckFilter in latest binary

Started by redband, 20. Nov 2009, 23:34

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Was given a working Setanta/ESPN card so thought I'd give it a go by grabbing the Viewing Card Enabled firmware.  On startup, BT recognises that my account doesn't have a viewing card and forces a firmware "update" for the not setanta version.  Tried to spoof the contentversion so that it wouldn't force the upgrade and it seemed to be working as was almost completely started up when it decided to do some content checks and rebooted into NR01

This is where I suspected that the signature checking had moved until later in the process and some research found the following


The program for editing the registry must not be working properly..
I manually hex edited the hv's and replaced the ref's to the sigcheckfilter.dll with 0x00, binmodded the nk.bin, and..... the box booted with no file checking  ;D

I was able to verify this by modding the splash logo.


I found a working tool for handling the hv files but was wondering what you changed?  Did you blank out the entire registry keys or just the value?


I tried using an older firmware with the smartcard activated, but amongst the 12 less channels that the channels scan finds on the older firmware is the one that the smartcard actually unlocks...



I removed the above lines completely from boot.hv and default.hv, dropped in the bits to enable SmartCard and it booted.  "Viewing Card Recognised"   ;D

I had tried just removing the values but the resulting default.hv wouldn't fit back in the nk.bin and modifying boot.hv in this way didn't seem to be enough anyway...


I just changed in the registry the name of the dll that it loads in.
For example SigCheckFilter.dl1

that will do :)


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